var require = { baseUrl: ".", urlArgs: "ver2.6.41", waitSeconds: 100, paths: { "bootstrap": "bower_modules/components-bootstrap/js/bootstrap", "crossroads": "bower_modules/crossroads/dist/crossroads.min", "hasher": "bower_modules/hasher/dist/js/hasher.min", "jquery": "bower_modules/jquery/dist/jquery-1.9.1", "knockout": "bower_modules/knockout/dist/knockout.debug", "knockout-helper": "bower_modules/knockout-helper/knockout-amd-helpers", "knockout-projections": "bower_modules/knockout-projections/dist/knockout-projections", "knockout-validation": "bower_modules/knockout.validation", "signals": "bower_modules/js-signals/dist/signals.min", "text": "bower_modules/requirejs-text/text", "Fs": "bower_modules/Fs", "jquery-ui": "bower_modules/jquery-ui/jquery-ui", "jquery.ui": "jquery-ui", "jquery.cookie": "bower_modules/jquery-cookie/jquery.cookie", "fs-popup": "bower_modules/Fs/Fs.popup", "loading": "bower_modules/Fs/loading", "knockout-jqueryui": "bower_modules/knockout-jqueryui", "es5-shim": "bower_modules/es5-shim", "kendo": "bower_modules/kendo/kendo.all", "kendo-knockout": "bower_modules/knockout-kendo", "tgrid": "bower_modules/tgrid/tgrid-debug", "tgrid-provider": "bower_modules/tgrid/observable-array-provider", "tgrid-server-provider": "bower_modules/tgrid/observable-array-server-provider", "tgrid-knockout": "bower_modules/tgrid/tgrid-knockout-debug", "fs-authentication": "bower_modules/Fs/Fs.Authentication", "session": "bower_modules/session", "lodash": "bower_modules/lodash.min", "underscore": "bower_modules/underscore", "backbone": "bower_modules/backbone-min", "geometry.min": "bower_modules/geometry.min", "geometry": "bower_modules/geometry", "vectorizer.min": "bower_modules/vectorizer.min", "vectorizer": "bower_modules/vectorizer", "joint": "bower_modules/joint", "svg-pan-zoom": "bower_modules/svg-pan-zoom", "svg-pan-zoom.min": "bower_modules/svg-pan-zoom.min", }, shim: { "bootstrap": { deps: ["jquery", "loading", "es5-shim", "fs-popup"] }, "fs-popup": { deps: ["jquery"] }, "joint": { deps: ["jquery", "lodash", "underscore", "backbone"] } } }; // ES5 // if (!Object.create) { // Contributed by Brandon Benvie, October, 2012 var createEmpty; var supportsProto = !({ __proto__: null } instanceof Object); // the following produces false positives // in Opera Mini => not a reliable check // Object.prototype.__proto__ === null /*global document */ if (supportsProto || typeof document === 'undefined') { createEmpty = function () { return { __proto__: null }; }; } else { // In old IE __proto__ can't be used to manually set `null`, nor does // any other method exist to make an object that inherits from nothing, // aside from Object.prototype itself. Instead, create a new global // object and *steal* its Object.prototype and strip it bare. This is // used as the prototype to create nullary objects. createEmpty = function () { var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); var parent = document.body || document.documentElement; = 'none'; parent.appendChild(iframe); /*eslint-disable no-script-url */ iframe.src = 'javascript:'; /*eslint-enable no-script-url */ var empty = iframe.contentWindow.Object.prototype; parent.removeChild(iframe); iframe = null; delete empty.constructor; delete empty.hasOwnProperty; delete empty.propertyIsEnumerable; delete empty.isPrototypeOf; delete empty.toLocaleString; delete empty.toString; delete empty.valueOf; /*eslint-disable no-proto */ empty.__proto__ = null; /*eslint-enable no-proto */ var Empty = function Empty() { }; Empty.prototype = empty; // short-circuit future calls createEmpty = function () { return new Empty(); }; return new Empty(); }; } Object.create = function create(prototype, properties) { var object; var Type = function Type() { }; // An empty constructor. if (prototype === null) { object = createEmpty(); } else { if (typeof prototype !== 'object' && typeof prototype !== 'function') { // In the native implementation `parent` can be `null` // OR *any* `instanceof Object` (Object|Function|Array|RegExp|etc) // Use `typeof` tho, b/c in old IE, DOM elements are not `instanceof Object` // like they are in modern browsers. Using `Object.create` on DOM elements // is...err...probably inappropriate, but the native version allows for it. throw new TypeError('Object prototype may only be an Object or null'); // same msg as Chrome } Type.prototype = prototype; object = new Type(); // IE has no built-in implementation of `Object.getPrototypeOf` // neither `__proto__`, but this manually setting `__proto__` will // guarantee that `Object.getPrototypeOf` will work as expected with // objects created using `Object.create` /*eslint-disable no-proto */ object.__proto__ = prototype; /*eslint-enable no-proto */ } if (properties !== void 0) { Object.defineProperties(object, properties); } return object; }; }